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徐伟强,男,1975年生,浙江理工大学教授,浙江大学博士、博士后,浙江省杰出青年基金获得者,IEEE Senior Member,Editorial Board of IET Communications。现任浙江理工大学信息学院副院长,浙江理工大学通信网络与优化控制研究所所长,浙江大学网络传感与控制研究组重要成员。


2007年,入选浙江省高等学校优秀青年教师资助计划;2008年,入选浙江省青年科技人才培育工程;2009年,入选浙江省新世纪151人才工程;2013年,入选浙江省高等学校中青年学科带头人;2009年9月至2010年9月,以国家公派访问学者身份在美国Columbia University学术交流。2011年,获得省高等学校科研成果论文类二等奖。 主持国家自然科学基金(2项)、浙江省杰出青年基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目、省自然科学基金(2项)、留学人员科技活动项目择优资助、浙江省博士后科研择优资助项目等;排名第2参与国家自然科学基金(2项)、浙江省自然科学基金(3项);参与863重点项目、国家自然科学基金委-广东省联合基金重点项目等。 目前,已在IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing (wiley), EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 软件学报, 通信学报, GLOBECOM等上发表SCI/EI论文近50篇;编著规划教材2部。 研究兴趣包括:物联网、无线传感网络、Ad Hoc网络、蜂窝网络、车载网络、智能电网通信技术、网络效用优化、通信网络的分布式优化与控制等。


1) 主持和参与的科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金(61374020):能量采集型无线传感网络的能量管理与效用优化(项目主持人) [2] 浙江省杰出青年基金(LR15F010002):绿色MIMO多跳无线网络保障QoS的鲁棒跨层资源分配(项目主持人) [3] 国家自然科学基金(60702081): 非协作强动态环境下Ad Hoc网络的广义拥塞控制研究 (项目主持人) [4] 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(212066):多尺度动态MIMO Ad Hoc网支持异构业务的分层自治型跨层优化研究 (项目主持人) [5] 中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目(20080440201):车载Ad Hoc网中提高广播实时可靠性的拥塞控制研究 (项目主持人) [6] 浙江省自然科学基金(LY12F02042)面向充电式无线传感网络的高效实时鲁棒跨层优化研究 (项目主持人) [7] 浙江省自然科学基金(Y107309): 灾害监测应用中快响应长寿命强容错的无线传感器网络研究 (项目主持人) [8] 国家自然科学基金(61104094):基于随机切换理论的广义网络化系统分析和控制. (排名第2) [9] 国家自然科学基金(61302076):信息与能量同时传输的多用户系统能效理论及优化方法(排名第2) [10] 浙江省自然科学基金(Y1090980):无线自组网中面向混合业务的带宽资源优化分配研究 (排名第2) [11]浙江省自然科学基金(LQ12F01009):非连通环境下无线传感器网络定位问题研究. (排名第2) [12]浙江省自然科学基金(LQ13F010008):多小区MIMO系统中鲁棒分布式协作传输与处理关键技术研究. (排名第2) [13] 国家重点实验室开放课题资助项目(ISN14-08):功率分裂型无线信能同传系统的能量优化. (排名第2)

2) 学术论文

[1] Weiqiang Xu, Yushu Zhang, Qingjiang Shi, Xiaodong Wang. Energy Management and Cross Layer Optimization for Wireless Sensor Network Powered by Heterogeneous Energy Sources. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, March 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2015.2394799. [2] Qingjiang Shi, Weiqiang Xu, Jinsong Wu, Enbin Song, Yaming Wang. Secure Beamforming For MIMO Broadcasting With Wireless Information And Power Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Feb. 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2015.2395414. [3] Weiqiang Xu, Qingjiang Shi, Xiaoyun Wei, Zheng Ma, Xu Zhu, Yaming Wang. Distributed Optimal Rate-Reliability-Lifetime Tradeoff in Time-Varying Wireless Sensor Networks.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(9): 4836-4847, 2014 [4] Weiqiang Xu, Ali Tajer, Xiaodong Wang, Saleh Alshomrani. Power Allocation in MISO Interference Channels with Stochastic CSIT. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(3): 1716-1727, 2014. [5] Qingjiang Shi, Weiqiang Xu, Tsung-Hui Chang, Yongchao Wang, Enbing Song. Joint Beamforming And Power Splitting For MISO Interference Channel With SWIPT: An SOCP Relaxation and Decentralized Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(23): 6194-6208, 2014. [6] Qingjiang Shi, Liang Liu, Weiqiang Xu, Rui Zhang. Joint Transmit Beamforming and Receive Power Splitting for MISO SWIPT Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(6): 3269-3280, 2014. [7] Weiqiang Xu, Xiaodong Wang. Pricing-based Distributed Downlink Beamforming in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(9): 1605-1613, Oct., 2012. [8] Weiqiang Xu, Yaming Wang, Jiming Chen, G. Baciu, Youxian Sun. Dual Decomposition Method for Optimal and Fair Congestion Control in Ad Hoc Networks: Algorithm, Implementation and Evaluation. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2008, 68(7):997–1007. [9] Jiming Chen, Weiqiang Xu, Shibo He, Youxian Sun, Preetha Thulasiraman and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen. Utility-Based Asynchronous Flow Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 28(7):1116-1126, 2010. [10] Jinxin Zhang, Weiqiang Xu, Xiaodong Wang. Distributed Online Optimization of Wireless Optical Networks with Network Coding. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(14): 2246-2255, July, 2012. [11] Qingjiang Shi, Weiqiang Xu, Dapeng Li, Yaming Wang, Xiaowei Gu, Wenshu Li. On the energy-efficiency optimality of OFDMA for SISO-OFDM downlink system. IEEE Communications Letters, 17(3):541-544, March 2013. [12] Weiqiang Xu, Shusheng Wen, Qingjiang Shi, Jinsong Wu, Yaming Wang. Distributed Event-Triggered Flow Control for Utility Fairness in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Sensor Networks, to appear. [13] Kun Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Weiqiang Xu, Xianda Zhang. Coordinated Linear Precoding in Downlink Multicell MIMO-OFDMA Networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(8):4264-4277, 2012. [14] Chen Gong, Xiaodong Wang, Weiqiang Xu, Ali Tajer. Distributed Real-time Energy Scheduling in Smart Grid: Stochastic Model and Fast Optimization. IEEE Transactions Smart Grid, 4(3):1476-1489, Sept. 2013. [15] Lianggui Liu, Yuxu Peng, Weiqiang Xu. To converge more quickly and effectively—Mean field annealing based optimal path selection in WMN. Information Sciences, 294(2): 216-226, February 2015. [16] Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Weiqiang Xu, Youxian Sun, Preetha Thulasiraman, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen. A Stochastic Multiobjective Optimization Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2010 (2010), DOI:10.1155/2010/430615. [17] Qingjiang Shi, Jinsong Wu, Qingchun Chen, Weiqiang Xu, Yaming Wang. Optimal linear block precoding for multi-point cooperative transmission with per-antenna power constraints. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11(9):3158-3169, July 2012. [18] Jiming Chen, Xianghui Cao, Yu Zhang, Weiqiang Xu, Youxian Sun. Measuring the Performance of Movement-Assisted Certificate Revocation List Distribution in VANET. Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing (wiley), 2011, 11(7):888-898. [19] Weiqiang Xu, Xiaodong Wang, Saleh Alshomrani. SINR-constrained Power Minimization in MISO Interference Channel with Imperfect CSI: A Bernstein Approximation Approach. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Decenber, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [20] Weiqiang Xu, Jiming Chen, Yan Zhang, Yang Xiao and Youxian Sun. Optimal Rate Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks with Guaranteed Lifetime. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, Decenber, 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA. [21] Guihua Zhang, Weiqiang Xu, Ya-Ming Wang. Fast Distributed Rate Control Algorithm with QoS Support in Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Decenber, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA. [22] 徐伟强,汪亚明,俞成海,刘良桂,张云华.移动Ad Hoc网络的跨层优化拥塞控制研究. 软件学报, 21(7):1667-1678, 2010. [23] 徐伟强,吴铁军,汪亚明,张云华,陈积明. 强动态Ad Hoc网的拥塞控制:价格协作和滚动优化.软件学报,19(9): 2389-2402, Sep. 2008. [24] 徐伟强,吴铁军,汪亚明,张云华,陈积明.用于Ad Hoc网络的自适应多速率多播拥塞控制策略.软件学报,19(3):769-778, Mar. 2008. [25] 张永敏,徐伟强,黄炯,汪亚明,舒挺,刘良桂.Ad Hoc 网络节能型功率控制与拥塞控制的跨层优化.软件学报,24(4):900-914, 2013. [26] 徐伟强,胡四平,汪亚明,张云华.IEEE 802.11中多速率多节点公平的数据分组长度调整策略.通信学报, 32(2):120-129, 2011. [27] 张亚珂,徐伟强,史清江,俞晴里,汪亚明.无线传感网络中拥塞控制与路由的跨层设计:分布式牛顿法.自动化学报, 录用. [28] 张宇,徐伟强,陈积明,孙优贤.基于最速下降法的车载网络功率控制研究.电子与信息学报, 32(10): 2536-2540, 2010. [29] 徐伟强,冯兆丽,黄炯,俞晴里,汪亚明,茅佳佳.基于改进对偶分解的智能电网快速实时定价方法.电力系统保护与控制, 2012年21期. [30] 茅佳佳,徐伟强,汪亚明等.面向输电线路监测的Ad Hoc网络中最小竞争窗口优化策略研究.电力系统保护与控制, 2012年09期.

3) 教材

[1] 教材: 张水英,徐伟强,金立. 通信原理. 西安电子科技大学出版社(高等学校电子与通信类教材“十一五”规划教材), 2008年8月.

[2] 教材: 张水英,徐伟强. 通信原理及MATLAB/Simulink仿真. 人民邮电出版社(21世纪高等院校信息与通信工程规划教材), 2012年9月.

4) 获得学术奖励情况


5) 学术活动


Editorial Board Member of IET Communications






Pulication Chair

International Conference on Communications and Networking in China(Chinacom 2014)


INFOCOM 2014 Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing

IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2013, 2014)

IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2012, 2013, 2014)

International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing(WCSP 2013)

The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2009, 2010, 2014)

International Workshop on Pervasive Multimedia Sensor Networks (PMSN 2009)

International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2009-2012)

Chinese Conference on Cloud Computing (CCCC 2012,2013)


IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

IEEE Transactions on Communications

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

IEEE Global Communications Conference





