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(1) 光纤测试技术

(2) 波分复用系统器件研究

(3) 特种氧化物玻璃光纤研究

(4) 硫系玻璃材料及光纤制备研究



在《通信学报》,《J. Opt. Soc. Am. B》等国内外知名刊物上发表论文200余篇,其中150余篇文章被SCI、EI收录,相关的研究成果在国内处于领先水平,出版学术专著2部。

[1] 聂秋华, 李浩泉, 徐铁峰, 姜程, 沈祥.Er~(3+)掺杂Bi_2O_3-B_2O_3-Ga_2_O_3玻璃光谱性质及热稳定性研究[J].量子电子学报,2006,(05)

[2] 聂秋华, 金哲, 徐铁峰, 戴世勋, 沈祥, 章向华.蓝绿光上转换荧光输出的稀土掺杂玻璃研究进展[J].硅酸盐通报,2006,(05)

[3] 聂秋华, 高媛, 徐铁峰, 沈祥.Er~(3+)/Yb~(3+)共掺TeO_2-Li_2O-B_2O_3-GeO_2玻璃系统的光谱性质和热稳定性研究[J].光子学报,2005,(05)

[4] 聂秋华.推进教学现代化建设[J].中国大学教学,2004,(10)

[5] 聂秋华.掺稀土元素光纤激光和放大器综述(下)[J].宁波高等专科学校学报,1998,(02)

[6] 聂秋华.掺稀土元素光纤激光器和放大器综述(中)[J].宁波高等专科学校学报,1997,(02)

[7] 聂秋华.掺稀土元素光纤激光器和放大器综述(上)[J].宁波高等专科学校学报,1997,(01)

[8] 聂秋华, 曾兴斌, 董建峰.双包层和三包层椭圆光纤保偏特性比较[J].通信学报,1997,(02)

[9] 聂秋华,杨高波,白贵儒.视频图象几何测量中的数据压缩方法[J].宁波大学学报(理工版),1996,(03)

[10] 聂秋华, 董建峰.椭圆光纤折射率分布对保偏特性的影响[J].光纤与电缆及其应用技术,1995,(02)

[11] 聂秋华, 杨高波, 俞建定, 胡龙飞.FCG-1型光纤几何参数测量仪[J].仪器仪表学报,1994,(02)

[12] 聂秋华, 白贵儒.光纤几何参数自动测量技术[J].计量学报,1992,(02)

[13] 聂秋华, 胡龙飞, 白贵儒, 陈敏敏.NBU-1型多功能细丝直径测量仪[J].光电工程,1992,(02)

[14] 聂秋华, 胡龙飞, 俞建定, 杨高波.微小圆形物体几何参数自动测量仪[J].光学仪器,1992,(01)

[15] 聂秋华, 胡龙飞, 白贵儒, 陈敏敏.NBU—1型多功能细丝直径测量仪[J].量子电子学报,1991,(01)

[16] 聂秋华, 白贵儒.高分辨率视频图象自动测量系统[J].量子电子学报,1991,(01)

[17] 聂秋华.测量微小圆形物体几何参数的多方向扫描技术[J].宁波大学学报(理工版),1994,(02)

[18] 聂秋华, 白贵儒.光纤几何参数自动测量技术[J].计量学报,1992,(02)

[19] Qiuhua Nie, Xujie Li, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Zhe Jin and Xianghua Zhang ,Energy transfer and upconversion luminescence in Tm3+/Yb3+ co-doped lanthanum–zinc–lead–tellurite glassesJournal of Luminescence, Volume 128, Issue 1, January 2008, P. 135-141

[20] Qiuhua Nie, Xujie Li, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Yanfei Chen and Xianghua Zhang ,Investigation of 1.3 μm emission in Nd3+-doped bismuth-based oxide glasses,Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 400, Issues 1-2, 15 November 2007, P. 88-92

[21] Qiuhua Nie, Xujie Li, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Zhenjuan Jin and Xianghua Zhang ,Investigation of concentration quenching and 1.3 μm emission in Nd3+-doped bismuth glasses,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 3 August 2007

[22] Qiuhua Nie, Longjun Lu, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Xiang Shen, Xudong Zhang, Xiaowei Liang and Xianghua Zhang,Investigation of thermal stability and spectroscopic properties in Er3+ doped bismuth–boron–germanium glasses,physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 392, Issues 1-2, 15 April 2007, P. 195-199

[23] Qiuhua Nie, Longjun Lu, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai, Xiang Shen, Xiaowei Liang, Xudong Zhang and Xianghua Zhang,Effect of hydroxyl groups on Er3+ doped Bi2O3–B2O3–SiO2 glasses,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 68, Issue 4, April 2007, P. 477-481

[24] Qiuhua Nie, Longjun Lu, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai, Xiang shen, Xiaowei Liang, Xudong Zhang and Xianghua Zhang,Upconversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped natrium–germanium–bismuth glasses,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 67, Issue 11, November 2006, P. 2345-2350

[25] Qiuhua Nie, Cheng Jiang, Xunsi Wang, Tiefeng Xu and Haoquan Li,Frequency upconversion properties of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped lead–germanium–bismuth oxide glasses,Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 41, Issue 8, 10 August 2006, P. 1496-1502

[26] iu, etc. “Optic spectroscopic of Er3+/Ce3+ in B2O3 doped Bismuth-silicate Glasses” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2007. 24(4), 972-978

[27] Xiang Shen, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai, Guangpo Li and Xunsi Wang ,Effect of Ce3+ on the spectroscopic properties in Er3+ doped TeO2–GeO2–Nb2O5–Li2O glasses,Journal of Luminescence, Volume 126, Issue 2, October 2007, P. 273-277

[28] Xiang Shen, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai, Guangpo Li and Xunsi Wang ,Effect of Ce3+ on the spectroscopic properties in Er3+ doped TeO2–GeO2–Nb2O5–Li2O glasses,Journal of Luminescence, Volume 126, Issue 2, October 2007, P. 273-277

[29] Longjun Lu, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai, Xiang Shen and Xianghua Zhang ,Up-conversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+/Nd3+-codoped tellurite glasses,Journal of Luminescence, Volume 126, Issue 2, October 2007, P. 677-681

[30] Xujie Li, Qiuhua Nie, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Xiang Shen and Xianghua Zhang,Investigation of energy transfer and frequency upconversion in Ho3+/Yb3+ co-doped tellurite glasses,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 68, Issue 8, August 2007, P. 1566-1570

[31] Longjun Lu, Qiuhua Nie, Xiang Shen, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Zhe Jin, Yejiang Shen and Xianghua Zhang ,Host dependent frequency upconversion of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped bismuth–germanate glasses,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 67, Issue 5, August 2007, P. 1228-1231

[32] Zhe Jin, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai, Xiang Shen and Xianghua Zhang ,Optical transitions and upconversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped lead–zinc–tellurite oxide glass ,Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 104, Issue 1, 15 July 2007, P. 62-67

[33] Xujie Li, Qiuhua Nie, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu, Longjun Lu and Xianghua Zhang ,Energy transfer and frequency upconversion in Ho3+/Yb3+ co-doped bismuth-germanate glasses,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 1 March 2007

[34] Xiang Shen, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai and Xunsi Wang ,Effect of B2O3 on luminescence of erbium doped tellurite glasses,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 66, Issue 2, February 2007, P. 389-393

[35] Xiang Shen, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Shixun Dai and Xunsi Wang ,Optical transitions and upconversion luminescence of Er3+-doped tellurite glass,Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 381, Issues 1-2, 31 May 2006, P. 219-223

[36] Xiang Shen, QiuHua Nie, TieFeng Xu and Yuan Gao ,Optical transitions of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped TeO2–WO3–Bi2O3 glass,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 61, Issues 13-14, October 2005, P. 2827-2831

[37] Xiang Shen, QiuHua Nie, TieFeng Xu and Yuan Gao ,Spectral properties of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tungsten–tellurite glasses,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 61, Issue 9, July 2005, P. 2189-2193

[38] Xiang Shen, Qiuhua Nie, Tiefeng Xu, Tao Peng and Yuan Gao,Green and red upconversion emission and energy-transfer between Er3+ and Tm3+ ions in tellurite glasses,Physics Letters A, Volume 332, Issues 1-2, 8 November 2004, P. 101-106











