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1. Xiang Chen, Yunhong Wu, Lin Liu, HaomingTian, Xijie Yu*.Osteocalcin is inversely associated with glucose levels in middle-aged Tibetan men with different degrees of glucose tolerance. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews,已接收(* 通讯作者).
2. Meng Gong, Junrong Ma,RyanGuillemette, MingliangZhou, Yan Yang, YujingYang, Janet M. Hock,Xijie Yu*.MicroRNA-335 Inhibits Bone Metastases in Metastatic Small Cell Lung Cancer via IGF-1R and RANKL Pathways. MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH, 2014 12(1):101-110(* 通讯作者,论文为该期Highlights).
3. Mingliang Zhou, Junrong Ma, Shiju Chen, Xiang Chen, Xijie Yu*. MicroRNA-17-92 cluster regulates osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Endocrine, 2014 45(2):302-310 (* 通讯作者).
4. Meng Gong, Junrong Ma, Mi Li, Mingliang Zhou, Janet M. Hock, Xijie Yu*. MicroRNA-204 Critically Regulates Carcinogenesis in Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors. NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2012;14(8):1007–1017(* 通讯作者).
5. Xiang Chen, HaomingTian, Fuxing Pei, Xijie Yu*. Bone Functions as a NovelEndocrine Organ. Chinese Medical Journal (English). 2012125(22):4117-4121 . (* 通讯作者).
6. Junrong Ma,Mi Li, Janet Hock,Xijie Yu*.Hyperactivation of mTOR Critically Regulates Abnormal Osteoclastogensis in Neurofibromatosis Type 1.Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2012 30(1): 144-152 (* 通讯作者).
7. Tian Xia, Yanhua Liang, Junrong Ma, Mi Li, Meng Gong, Xijie Yu*.Loss-of-Function of SHARPIN Causes an Osteopenic Phenotype in Mice. Endocrine, 2011, 39,104-112 (* 通讯作者).
8. Emily Farrow, Xijie Yu, Lelia Summers, Siobhan Davis, James Fleet, Matthew Allen, Alexander Robling, Keith Stayrook, Victoria Jideonwo, Martin Magers, Holly Garringer, Ruben Vidal, Rebecca Chan, Charles Goodwin, Siu Hui, Munro Peacock, Kenneth White. Altered Fgf23 Proteolytic Regulation Causes Lateonset Hypophosphatemia During Iron Deficiency in an ADHR Mouse Model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.2011108(46):E1146-1155.
9. Guolin Chai, Ning Liu, Junrong Ma, Hua Li, Janet L. Oblinger, Agasanur K Prahalad, Long-Sheng Chang, Margaret Wallace, David Muir, AbhijitGuha, Roger J. Phipps, Janet M. Hock, Xijie Yu*. MicroRNA-10b Regulates Tumorigenesis in Neurofibromatosis Type 1. Cancer Science, 2010,101(9):1997-2004. (通讯作者,论文为该期Highlights).
10. X. Yu*, J. Milas, N. Watanabe, N. Rao, S. Murthy, O. L. Potter, M. J. Wenning, W. D. Clapp and J. M. Hock. Neurofibromatosis type 1 gene haploinsufficiency reduces AP-1 gene expression without abrogating the anabolic effect of parathyroid hormone. Calcified Tissue International 2006 78(3):162-70 (第一及通讯作者).
11. X Yu, KE White.FGF23 and phosphate homeostasis. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews, 2005 16(2): 221-232.
12. T Larsson, X Yu*, SI Davis, M Draman, SD Mooney, MJ Cullen, KE White. A novel mutation in fibroblast growth factor-23 causes familial tumoralcalcinosis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2005 90(4):2424-7 (*共同第一作者) .
13. Xijie Yu,Omar A. Ibrahimi,Fuming Zhang, Siobhan I. Davis, Holly Garringer, David M. Ornitz,Robert J. Linhardt, MoosaMohammadi, Kenneth E. White. Analysis of the biochemical mechanisms for the endocrine actions of fibroblast growth factor-23. Endocrinology. 2005 146(11): 4647-4656.
14. X Yu, Y Sabbagh, SI Davis, MB Demay, KE White.Genetic dissection of phosphate- and vitamin D-mediated regulation of circulating Fgf23 concentrations. Bone, 2005 36(6): 971-977.
15. X Yu, S Chen, L Potter, S Murthy, J Pulcini, N Ohashi, E Everett, DW Clapp, JM Hock. Neurofibromin and its inactivation of Ras are prerequisite for osteoblast. Bone, 2005 36(5): 793-802.
16. J Feng, LM Ward, S Liu, Y Lu, Y Xie, B Yuan, X Yu, F Rauch, SI Davis, S Zhang, H Rios, MK Drezner, D Quarles, LF Bonewald& KE White. Loss of DMP1 causes rickets and osteomalacia and identifies a role for osteocytes in mineral metabolism. Nature Genetics. 2006 38(11): 1310-1315.
17. F Yang, S Chen, AG Robling, X Yu, TD Nebesio, J Yan, T Morgan, X Li, J Yuan, JM Hock, DA Ingram and DW Clapp. Hyperactivation of p21ras and PI3-K cooperate to alter murine and human NF1 haploinsufficient osteoclast functions. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2006 116(11): 2880-2891.
18. Shoji Ichikawa, Erik Imel, Mary Kreiter, Xijie Yu, Donald Mackenzie, Andrea Sorenson, Kenneth White, Michael Econs. Homozygous missense mutations in human KLOTHO cause a severe form of tumoralcalcinosis, but not premature aging. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2007, 117(9): 2684–2691.



    1999年获华西医科大学(四川大学华西临床医学院)骨外科博士学位;2001年北京大学第三医院骨外科博士后出站;2001年至2007年在美国印第安纳大学医学院历任博士后,副研究员,研究助理教授;2008年至2009年在美国缅因州人类基因与健康研究所任科学家(Scientist,faculty),同时兼任美国缅因大学助理教授/Jackson Laboratory科学家;2010年1月以第一层次引进人才身份回华西医院主持内分泌与代谢病研究室工作,担任研究室主任,同时担任四川省卫生厅学术技术带头人,四川省海外高层次留学归国人才。担任中国修复重建外科杂志、中华骨质疏松与骨矿盐杂志、英文杂志Orthopaedic Surgery及Chinese Journal of Biology等杂志编委。
