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1987.06—1992.02,衡阳第六中学教师。1992.03—1999.09,原中南工学院讲师、副教授。 1999.10—2007.11,南华大学副教授。 2007.12—2012.12,南华大学教授,硕导、数学教研室主任。 2013.01— 至今, 南华大学教授、硕导、副院长。期 刊-> Peng Du, Caixia Duan, Xinyuan Liao, Dynamics Behaviors of a Reaction-Diffusion Predator-Prey System with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response and Delay, Applied Mathematics, 2014, 5, 843-851.期 刊-> Caixia Duan, Peng Du, Xinyuan Liao, The analysis of a fishery ecosystem diffusion model, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2013, 2, 127-134.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Yuming Chen,Shengfan Zhou, Traveling wavefronts of a prey-predator diffusion system with stage-structure and harvesting, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011,235, 2560-2568.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Wantong Li and Youssef N. Raffoul, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Difference Systems, International Journal of Difference Equations, 2010,5, 12–19.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Xianhua Tang, Shengfan Zhou, Existence of traveling wavefronts in a cooperative systems with discrete delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009,215, 1806-1812.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Zigeng Ouyang, Shengfan Zhou, Permanence of species in nonautonomous discrete Lotka–Volterra competitive system with delays and feedback controls, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008,211, 1-10.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Shengfan Zhou, Youssef N. Raffoul, On the discrete-time multi-species competition–predation system with several delays, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2008,21, 15-22.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Shengfan Zhou, Yuming Chen, Permanence and global stability in a discrete n-species competition system with feedback controls, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2008,9,1661-1671.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Shengfan Zhou, Yuming Chen,On permanence and global stability in a general Gilpin-Ayala competition predator-prey discrete system ,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2007,190, 500-509.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao and Youssef N. Raffoul, Asymptotic behavior of Positive Solutions of Second Order Nonlinear Difference Systems, J. Nonlinear Studies, 2007,14, 311-318.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Shengfan Zhou, Zigeng Ouyang, On a stoichiometric two predators on one prey discrete model, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2007,20,272-278.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Zigeng Ouyang, Shengfan Zhou, Permanence and stability of equilibrium for a two-prey one-predator discrete model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007,186, 93-100.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Shengfan Zhou, Yuming Chen, Permanence for a discrete time Lotka–Volterra type food-chain model with delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007,186, 279-285.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou , Compact uniform attractor for dissipative on-autonomous lattice dynamical systems, Commu. Pure and Applied Analysis, 2007,6, 1087-1111.期 刊-> Xinyuan Liao, Wu xiaohua, Persistence and extinction of a stochastic non-autonomous ratio-dependent predator-prey discrete model with delay, (2015 in view).湖南省数学学会理事,中国生物数学学会会员。


1983.09—1987.07,湖南师范大学数学专业,获理学学士学位。 1999.09—2002.07,湖南大学应用数学专业,获同等学历硕士学位。2005.09—2008.02,上海大学运筹学与控制理论专业,获理学博士学位。
