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(36) Jun Wang, Kai Xu, Mingqiang Wei. Shape Detection from Raw LiDAR Data with Subspace Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2016.(SCI收录)
(35) Jun Wang, Yabin Xu, Mingqiang Wei. Automatic modeling of urban facades from raw LiDAR point data. Computer Graphics Forum, 2016.(SCI收录)
(34) Tao Li, Jun Wang, Hao Liu, Ligang Liu. Efficient Mesh Denoising via Robust Normal Filtering and Alternate Vertex Updating Frontiers of Information Technology Electronic Engineering. 2016.(SCI收录)
(33) Junjie Cao, Jun Zhou, Xiuping Liu, Weiming Wang, Pingping Tao, Jun Wang. Low-rank Image Completion with Entropy Features, Machine Vision and Applications. 2016.(SCI收录)
(32) Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Guido Brunnett, Jun Wang. A Closed-Form Formulation of HRBF-Based Surface Reconstruction. Computer-Aided Design, 2016. (SCI收录)
(31) Mingqiang Wei, Luming Liang, Wai-Man Pang, Jun Wang (通讯作者), Weishi Li, Huisi Wu. Tensor voting guided mesh denoising. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2016, (99): 1-15.(SCI收录)
(30) Jun Wang, Qian Xie, Yabin Xu, Laishui Zhou and Nan Ye. Cluttered Indoor Scene Modeling via Functional Part-Guided Graph Matching. Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2016.(SCI收录)
(29) Mingqiang Wei, Jinze Yu, Wai-Man Pang, Jun Wang, Jing Qin, Ligang Liu and Pheng-Ann Heng. Bi-normal Filtering for Mesh Denoising. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 21(1): 43-55, 2015.(SCI收录)
(28) Mingqiang Wei, Lei Zhu, Jinze Yu, Wai-Man Pang, Jianghua Wu, Jun Wang, Jing Qin and Pheng-Ann Heng. Morphology-preserving Mesh Smoothing for Polygonized Isosurfaces: Applications in Biomedical Modeling. Computer-Aided Design, 58(1): 92-98, 2015.(SCI收录)
(27) Xiuping Liu, Jie Zhang, Risheng Liu, Bo Li, Jun Wang and Junjie Cao. Low Rank 3D Mesh Segmentation and Labeling with Structure Guiding. Computers Graphics, 46(2): 99-109, 2015.(SCI收录)
(26) Xiuping Liu, Shuhua Li, Risheng Liu, Jun Wang, Hui Wang and Junjie Cao. Properly Constrained Orthonormal Functional Maps for Intrinsic Symmetries. Computers Graphics, 46(2): 198-208, 2015.(SCI收录)
(25) Jian Liu, Junjie Cao, Xiuping Liu, Jun Wang, Xiaochao Wang and Xiquan Shi. Mendable. Consistent Orientation of Point Clouds. Computer-Aided Design, 55(10): 26-36, 2014.(SCI收录)
(24) Jun Wang, Zeyun Yu, Weizhong Zhang, Mingqiang Wei, Changbai Tan, Ning Dai, Xi Zhang. Robust Reconstruction of 2D Curves with Sharp Features from Scattered Noisy Point Data. Computer-Aided Design, 50(5): 27-40, 2014.(SCI收录)
(23) Zeyun Yu, Jun Wang, Zhanheng Gao, Ming Xu, Masahiko Hoshijima. New Software Developments for Quality Mesh Generation and Optimization from Biomedical Imaging Data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 113(1): 226-240, 2014.(SCI收录)
(22) UZ George, Jun Wang, Zeyun Yu. Numerical Analysis of the Effect of T-tubule Location on Calcium Transient in Ventricular Myocytes. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 24(1): 1299-1306, 2014.(SCI收录)
(21) Dongxiao Gu, Changyong Liang, Kyung-sun Kim, Changhui Yang, Wenjuan Cheng and Jun Wang. Which is More Reliable: Expert Experience or Information Itself?. International Journal of Information Technology Decision Making, 2014.(SCI收录)
(20) Jun Wang, Kai Xu, Ligang Liu, Junjie Cao, Shengjun Liu, Zeyun Yu and Xianfeng David Gu. Consolidation of Low-quality Point Clouds from Outdoor Scenes. Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2013), 32(5): 207-216, 2013.(SCI收录)
(19) Jun Wang, Zeyun Yu, Weidong Zhu and Junjie Cao. Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction from Unoriented, Noisy Point Data. Computer Graphics Forum (invited to present at SGP 2014), 32(1): 164-176, 2013.(SCI收录)
(18) Jun Wang, Dongxiao Gu, Zeyun Yu, Changbai Tan and Laishui Zhou. Feature-based Solid Model Reconstruction. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 13(1), 2013.(SCI收录)
(17) Jie Zhang, Junjie Cao, Xiuping Liu and Jun Wang, Jian Liu and Xiquan Shi. Point Cloud Normal Estimation via Structural Low Rank Subspace Clustering. Computers Graphics (SMI 2013), 37(6): 697-706, 2013.(SCI收录)
(16) Shengjun Liu, Guido Brunnett and Jun Wang. Multi-level Hermite Variational Interpolation and Quasi-interpolation. The Visual Computer (CGI 2013), 29(6-8): 627-637, 2013.(SCI收录)
(15) Jun Wang, Dongxiao Gu, Zeyun Yu, Changbai Tan and Laishui Zhou. A Framework for 3D Model Reconstruction in Reverse Engineering. Computer Industrial Engineering, 63(3):1189-1200, 2012.(SCI收录)
(14) Jun Wang, Xi Zhang and Zeyun Yu. A Cascaded Approach for Feature-Preserving Surface Mesh Denoising. Computer-Aided Design, 44(7):597-610, 2012.(SCI收录)
(13) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Feature-Sensitive Tetrahedral Mesh Generation with Guaranteed Quality. Computer-Aided Design, 44(5):400-412, 2012.(SCI收录)
(12) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising via Anisotropic Surface Fitting. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(1):163-173, 2012.(SCI收录)
(11) Zhanheng Gao, Zeyun Yu and Jun Wang. An optimization-based iterative approach to tetrahedral mesh smoothing. A book chapter in Image-based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation, Springer, 2012.
(10) Ming Xu, Jun Wang, and Zeyun Yu. Image Edge Enhancement and Segmentation via Randomized Shortest Paths. 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2012.
(9) Dongxiao Gu, Changyong Liang, Isabelle Bichindaritz and Jun Wang. A Case-based Knowledge System for Safety Evaluation Decision Making of Thermal Power Plants. Knowledge-Based Systems, 26(1):185-195, 2012.(SCI收录)
(8) Dongxiao Gu, Changyong Liang, Jinhong Zhong, Jun Wang, Wenxing Lu, Junyuan Song, Wenwen Lv and Yifeng Wu. Intelligent Information Acquisition and Utilization in Safety Evaluation Decision Making Process of Power Generation Enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Bussiness Information Processing, 102:162-177, 2012.
(7) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Quadratic Curve and Surface Fitting via Squared Distance Minimization. Computers Graphics, 35(6):1035-1050, 2011.(SCI收录)
(6) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Surface Feature based Mesh Segmentation. Computers Graphics (SMI 2011), 35(3):661-667, 2011.(SCI收录)
(5) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Geometric Decomposition of 3D Surface Meshes using Morse Theory and Region Growing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 56:1091-1103, 2011.(SCI收录)
(4) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Quality Mesh Smoothing via Local Surface Fitting and Optimum Projection. Graphical Models, 73(4):127-139, 2011.(SCI收录)
(3) Jun Wang and Zeyun Yu. Adaptive and Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generation. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, pp. 323-327, Shanghai, China, 2011.
(2) Dongxiao Gu, Changyong Liang, Chun-Rong Zuo, Isabelle Bichindaritz, Jun Wang and Wen-en Chen. A Case-based Enterprise Information System for Thermal Power Plants’ Safety Assessment. 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp 32-39, Beijing, China, 2011.
(1) Jun Wang, Zhigang Wang, Weidong Zhu and Yingfeng Ji. Recognition of Freeform Surface Machining Features. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 10(4), 2011.(SCI收录)
