吴金丹,女,1986年生,工学博士,浙江理工大学硕士生导师。2007年本科毕业于浙江大学高分子材料与工程专业,2012年毕业于浙江大学高分子合成与功能构造教育部重点实验室,获工学博士学位。在此期间,主要从事材料表面与界面的功能化改性和生物医用材料研究,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、973项目二级课题各一项。获校优秀毕业生、优秀研究生干部等荣誉,2009年获国家基金委资助赴德国参加第59届诺贝尔奖获得者大会(全国仅25人受资助)。2012年7月开始在浙江理工大学先进纺织材料和制备技术教育部重点实验室工作,主要从事智能响应纺织品及生物医用纺织品的相关研究。2016年6月至9月赴新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物工程学院Mary Chan教授课题组访学。近五年在Biomaterials、Bioconjugate Chemistry、Applied Surface Science等杂志上发表SCI论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项、省部级项目1项、横向课题2项,参与研究国家自然科学基金项目、横向课题多项。
1.Jindan Wu, Wei Wei, Sufang Zhao, Mengyuan Sun, Jiping Wang, Fabrication of highly underwater oleophobic textiles through poly(vinyl alcohol) crosslinking for oil/water separation: the effect of surface wettability and textile type.Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52:1194-1202
2. Liujun Pei,Jindan Wu, Juanjuan Liu, Jiping Wang, Study of different hueing dyes deposition on fabrics during home laundry,Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2016, 53:562-567
3. Liujun Pei,Jindan Wu, Qiuju Wang, Jiping Wang, Study of crystal violet hueing dye deposition on fabrics during home laundry,Journal of Surfactants and Detergents2016, 19: 795-801
4.Jindan Wu, Guoqiang Cai, Jiping Wang, Synthesis of N-alkyl-N,N-dimethyl quaternized chitosan and its application as effective absorbents towards reactive dye KN-R,Journal of Nano Research, 2016, 43:29-37
5. Most. Setara Begum,Jindan Wu, Carrington M. Takawira, Jiping Wang*. Surface Modification of Polyamide 6,6 Fabric with an Alkaline Protease – Subtilisin,Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics,2016, 11(1).
6.Jindan Wu, Yuelin Jiang, Guoqiang Cai, Zhengliao Wang, Ju He, and Jiping Wang*. Effect of the chain density and chain length on the pH-responsibility of poly(acrylic acid) grafted cotton.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016, 16(6): 5689-5695.
7.Jindan Wu, Yuelin Jiang, Ju He, Sufang Zhao, Guoqiang Cai, Jiping Wang*, Thermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) grafted polyester textiles with swithchable surface wettability,Textile Research Journal, 2016, 86(7):677-684.
8.Jindan Wu, Chong Zhang, Dongjie Jiang, Sufang Zhao, Yuelin Jiang, Guoqiang Cai, Jiping Wang*, Self-cleaning pH/thermo responsive cotton fabric with smart-control and reusable functions for oil/water separation,RSC Advances,2016, 6: 24076-24082
9. Most. Setara Begum,Jindan Wu,Jiping Wang*. Study of Hydrophilic Modification for Polyamide 6,6 using Subtilisin[C]//Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications, 2016, 671: 331-337.
10.Ju He, Yuelin Jiang,Jindan Wu*, Jiping Wang, The method of introduced amino group for preparation of thermo-responsivetextiles,Key Engineering Materials2016,671
11.安原原,吴金丹,王际平*.冷烫和染色损伤对头发手感的影响机理研究[J].浙江理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 33(5):651-656.
12.蒋约林,吴金丹,何驹,葛华云,王际平*.氨基硅油整理法在温敏纺织品制备中的应用[J].纺织学报, 2015, 36(2):86-91.
13.Guoqiang Cai, Liangxi Sun,Jindan Wu, Jiping Wang, Influence of nonionic surfactant on hydrolysis of vinyl sulfone reactive dye.Journal of Surfactants and Detergents2015, 18(6): 1127-1135
14.Jindan Wu, Yuelin Jiang, Dongjie Jiang, Ju He, Guoqiang Cai, Jiping Wang*, The fabrication of pH-responsive polymeric layer with switchable surface wettability on cotton fabric for oil/water separation,Matterials Letters2015, 160: 384-387
15.Jindan Wu, Guoqiang Cai, Jinqiang Liu, Huayun Ge, Jiping Wang*. Eco-friendly surface modification on polyester fabrics by esterase treatment,Applied Surface Science2014, 295, 150-157
17.Jindan Wu, Zhengwei Mao, Lulu Han, Yizhi Zhao, Jiabin Xi, Changyou Gao*. A density gradient of basic fibroblast growth factor guides directional migration of vascular smooth muscle cells.Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces2014, 117, 290-295
18. Sun M,Deng J, Tang Z,Wu J, Li D, Chen H, Gao C, A correlation study of protein adsorptin and cell behaviors on substrates with different densities of PEG chains.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2014, 122: 134-142
19.Jindan Wu, Zhengwei Mao, Lulu Han, Jiabin Xi, Yizhi Zhao, Changyou Gao*. Directinal migration of vascular smooth muscle cells guided by synergetic surface gradient and chemical pattern of poly (ethylene glycol) brushes,Journal of Bioactive and Compatible polymers2013, 28(6), 605-620
20.Jindan Wu, Zhengwei Mao, Yifeng Hong, Lulu Han, Changyou Gao*. Conjugation of basic fibroblast growth factor on a heparin gradient for regulating the migration of different types of cells,Bioconjugate Chemistry2013, 24(8), 1302-1313
21. Lulu Han, Zhengwei Mao,Jindan Wu, Changyou Gao, Directional cell migration through cell-cell interaction on polyelectrolyte multilayers with swelling gradients.Biomaterials 2013, 34(4): 975-984
22. Han L, Mao Z.,Wu J, Guo Y, Ren T, Gao C, Unidirectional migration of single smooth muscle cells under the synergetic effects of gradient swelling cue and parallel groove patterns,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2013, 111: 16
23.Jindan Wu,Zhengwei Mao, Changyou Gao*. Controlling the migration behaviors of vascular smooth muscle cells by methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) brushes of different molecular weight and density,Biomaterials2012, 33(3), 810-820
24.Jindan Wu, Zhengwei Mao, Huaping Tan, Lulu Han, Tanchen Ren, Changyou Gao*. Gradient biomaterials and their influences on cell migration,Interface Focus2012, 2, 337-335
25. Lulu Han, Zhengwei Mao,Jindan Wu, Yuying Zhang, Changyou Gao*. Influences of surface chemistry and swelling of salt-treated polyelectrolyte multilayers on migration of smooth muscle cells.Journal of the Royal Society Interface2012, 9(77): 3455-3468
26. Linhui Li,Jindan Wu, Changyou Gao, Gradient immobilization ofa cell adhesion RGD peptide on thermal responsive surface for regulating cell adhesion and detachment,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2011: 85(1): 12-18
27. Lulu Han, Zhengwei Mao, H. Wuliyasu,Jindan Wu, Xiao Gong, Changyou Gao, Modulating the structure and properties of poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate)/poly(diallydimethylammonium chloride) multilayers with concentrated salt solutions.Langmuir2011, 28(1): 193-199
28. Li L,Wu J, Cao C, Surface-grafted block copolymer brushes with continous composition gradients of poly(poly(ethylene glycol)-monomethacrylate) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Science Chinca Chemistry,Science China Chemistry2011, 54(2): 334-342
29. HuapingTan,Jindan Wu, Dejuan Huang, Changyou Gao, The design of biodegradable microcarriers for induced cell aggregation.Macromolecular Bioscience2010, 10(2): 156-163
30.Jindan Wu, Huaping Tan,Linhui Li, Changyou Gao*. Covalently immobilized gelatin gradients within three-dimensional porous scaffolds,Chinese Science Bulletin2009, 54(18), 3174-3180
31. Huaping Tan,Jindan Wu,Lihong Lao, Changyou Gao, Gelatin/chitosan/hyaluronan scaffold integrated with PLGA microshpheres for cartilage tissue engineering,Acta Biomaterialia2009, 5(1): 328-337
32. Huping tan, Lihong Lao,Jindan Wu, Yihong Gong, Changyhou Gao, Biomimetic modification of chitosan with covalently grafted lactose and blended heparin for improvement of in vitro cellular interaction.Polymers for Advanced Technologies2008, 19(1): 15-23
1. Wang Jiping,Zhong Qi,Wu Jindan,Chen Tao,Thermo-responsive textiles,Handbook of Smart Textiles, Xiaoming Tao, Springer Singapore, p 1-27, Singapore, 2015/1/8
2. 油水分离材料
3. 生物医用纺织品
4. 纺织品生物处理技术